Janeksela, Jacklyn. “The Force Behind the Dialogue Between Two Countries for the Purpose of Creating”, Oko magazine. Pg. 20, winter edition, #6, 2019
Shubkina, Paulina. “Barbara Benish, Art Makes Change”. Urbanautica. 26.1.2017
Pietrasová, Kateřina.“Galerie na okraji Prahy se neboji do živého“, Lidovky, CZ. Czech Republic, 29.6.2017
ČTK, “Barbara Benishová poukazuje na boj indiánů proti ropovodu”. Pražky deník.CZ 3.7.2017
Navrátil, Ondřej. Příroda mezi uměním a environmentální výchovou. Kultura, Umění, a Výchova. 1/2016. Magazine. 4(1) [cit. 2016-03-30]. ISSN 2336-1824. Dostupné z:
Zavádil, Matouš Karel. “Rozhovor s Barbarou Benish”/interview with Barbara Benish, Ateliér magazine, no.8, April, 2015. pg. 5. Prague.
Engelstad, Janeil and B.Benish “ArtMill: Global Change Inspired from a Seed Planted in the Czech Countryside”. ArtMargins, 13 July, 2014
Stefanini, Alfonso. The Rio Times, Brazil News. “Rio+20 (plastics edition) The Problematic Plastic Island States”. June 26, 2012
Chavez, Elfego. "Ubiquity Exhibit Intrigues UHD Students, Staff" . University of Houston Downtown, Houston, Texas. Vol.XLVII, Issue 6, October 31, 2011
“Life in the Age of Plastic” , Honolulu Weekly, March 24-31, 2011
“El Quintana Roo”, Mexico, December (, “What Will Be” exhibition, 2010
"Spike Art Guide East" vol. 1. Edited by Antje Mayer & Rita Vitorelli. Interview with Mimi Fronczak Rogers. 2009
Hello magazine, Belgrade, Serbia. April 28-May 4, 2009. p. 26
Mitroví, Dušan. Danas newspaper. Belgrade, Serbia. April 15, 2009. p. 18
Rogers, Mimi. "A Dove by Any Other Name", Prague Post, July, 2008
Třešňáková.Marie. “Provakativní umělkýně vzstavuju v praze…”/Provacative Artist Exhibits in Prague”, Czech TV, CT 24, 26.6.2008
Frye, Barbara. “A Home in the Czech Mountains”, New York Times, 21 March, 2007
“ARTLIST, encyklopedii ceskych vytvarnych umelcu” (Encyclopedia of Czech Visual Artists) Centrum pro Současne Uměni, Praha., 2007
Kiwilszo, Joanna. “Mlynarzowa”, nowa gazeta praska, Warsaw, Poland. page 5, may, 2006
Ozuna, Tony . “Back to her Roots”, Prague Post. Sept. 20, 2006
Prague Post. (photo). “Barbara Benish: Mari”. Aug 30-Sept5, 2006. B18, Galleries
Sidor, Goska and Piotr Szymor. “Barbara Benish: Mlynarzowa”, catalogue essays, 2006
Bulkacz, Vanessa. “Art Looms Large in a Small Town in šumava ”. Czech Business Weekly, 18.7. 2005
Chattopadhyay, Collette. SCULPTURE. April, 2005(Vol. 24, #3) pgs. 69-70
Ozuna, Tony. "West Goes East. Barbara Benish Completes the Circle" UMELEC/ARTIST. Pgs. 57-59. Volume 9. 1/20 05
"Jiste Stopy, Dialog: Los Angeles/Praha, 2004", ATELIéR magazine, Prague. 12.05.2004
"Certain Traces, New Dialogue Los Angeles/Prague" Interactive Media Division weblog, USC, Los Angeles. 2004
Barath, Deepa. "Art Makes its Mark in Area Gallery", Daily Pilot, Newport Beach, CA. front page. August 17, 2004
Pachmanova, Martina. review: REFLEX magazine. 49/2004
Rogers, Mimi. "Finding the Future in the Past, An international show reopens an historic dialogue", Prague Post. 26 August, 2004
"Up from the Underground", Prague Post, 8-14 December, 2004
Kosová, Petra. "Tri vystavy se delí o místo v galerii", Mlada Fronta Dnes, C.R., October 17, 2003
Soudek, Jan. "Nevední vystavy podněcují fantazii". Klatovsky Deník, C.R., November 11, 2003
“Toit du Monde: 10 years”, by Sigusmund de Vajay, curator. Lars Mueller Birkhauser verlag.Switzerland. 368 pgs. Color. 2002 (F,D, English, Es)
“Who’s Who in America” (since 1997-present), publ.Marquis, New Providence, New Jersey, USA
Ateliér magazine, Prague. “Melancholia” at Morovska Gallery, Brno, Czech Republic, 2000
Cermakáková, Monika. "Zivot je tady lidstejsí...", Mlada Front Dnes, June, 2000
Rogers, Mimi. "Growing Up in Public", Prague Post, July 19, 2000. B8
"Flower Power: Barbara Benish's Art in Blossom", Prague Post, 14 June, 2000. C20
Ticha, Jana. "Barbara Benish: Hybrid Histories", Ateliér magazine, Prague, #8, 2000. pg. 9
"Public Space as a Private Thing", Umelec magazine, Prague, #3, 2000.Vol.4 pg.20
Roth, Charlene. "Barbara Benish at Montgomery Gallery", ArtWeek. California. May,2000
"Barbara Benish: Hybrid Histories". Art Scene. November, 1999
Chattopadhyay, Collette. "Barbara Benish at Huntington Beach Art Center",
Chattopadhyay, Collette. "In the Sphere of Ana Mendieta", Sculpture magazine, June, 1999
Curtis, Cathy. "Looking Ahead for a Historical Perspective". Los Angeles Times, 2 January, 1999. F2
"Velvet Underground..." Los Angeles Times, 20 February,1999. F2. Huntington Beach Art Center, California
Pachmanova, Martina. "The Politicization of the Private, or the Privatization of Politics? A view of recent
Czech art by women". ArtMargins, 1999
Walsh, Daniella, "Abhorring a Vacuum, Adoring a Beach". Orange County Register, March, 1999 pg. 26 California. 14
Cermáková, Monika. “V´ytvarnice se nehaly inspirovat tajemnou historií Faustova domu” Kultura p.5. 10 June, 1998 . Mlada Fronta Dnes
Zadrazil, Pavel. “Objekty ve Faustove dome vycházejí z dávn´ych legend” Lidovy Noviny, Kultura. p. 12. 19 June, 1998
Cihaková, Vlasta. “Zaharada vecnosti”,Ateliér magazine/12. June12, 1997. p.4
Horová, Andela. “Umelecké dílo ve verejném prostoru”, Ateliér 10, 1997, c. 24, s. 8
Jarousová, Vera. “Jitro Kouzelniku?” Lidovy Noviny. April, 1997
Micorovsky, Jiri. “Hadí Tanec”(“Snake Dance”) (photo), Ateliér, 6 Dec., 1997. Prague
Pachmanová, Martina. “interview with B.Benish”(photos),Labyrint , November, 1997
Rogers, Mimi, “Barbara Benish at Liben”,(photo) Prague Post, 13 Nov. 1997 ArtBeat
Ticha, Jana. “Artist Profile”, Elle magazine, Dec., 1997
Adamec, J. “Dva americtí umelci vystavují...”, Mlada Fronta Dnes, Dec. 5, 1996
Brown, Betty Ann. “L.A. Review: ‘Felicity’...”,Coagula 17, (New York) May, 1996 p.44
Cutujar, Mario. Artscene. Los Angeles, May, 1996
Cihaková, Vlasta. “Water Enough for One Root” catalogue essay, Mánes Gallery, Prague. 1995
Lindaurova, Lenka. “Dost Vody pro Jeden Koren”(Water Enough for One Root). Lidovy Noviny. 23.3.95
Pachmanova, Martina/ Zadrazil, P. “O imaginaci bolesti’ (the Imagination of Pain). Ateliér mag. Prague #23/16.11, 1995. p.4
Ticha, Jana. Interview;” Dost vody pro jeden koren”. Interview. Ateliér magazine. 11/25.5. 1995Prague
Zajícová, Gabriela. “Synagoga zase ozila” Blesk. Sept. 6, 1995. p.8
Hlavácek, Josef. “Barbara Benish and Adéla Matasová”, Ateliér magazine, Prague, #11, June 6, 1994 front page
Kapitanoff, Nancy. “Points of View”. The Los Angeles Times. Sept. 30, 1994 p.5 (Art Section)
Korpaczewski, Igor. “What’s door?” Ateliér magazine, 1994. Prague
Krízová, Jana. “next door...” Pro magazine. Prague. 3.17. 1994 (foto)
Lindaurová, Lenka. “Foreigners tvorici in Prague” Lidové Noviny, Prague3/2, 1994, Kultura p.9
Sunday Flores, Lisa. “Tearing Down Art’s ‘Thin Wall’”, Prague Post, 2-8 March, 1994
Švamberk, Alex. “Umění z šedé zóny cizincu”, Mlada Fronta, 3 March, 1994 (foto)
Dunitz, Robin J. “Street Gallery: guide to 1000 L.A. Murals”, RJ.D. Enterprises, Los Angeles, c.1993
Snow, Shauna.”Parks Dept. Seeks Funds for Murals” Los Angeles Times , Calendar, 6 Jan. 1993
Wilson, William. “Lesser Known Talents Find Themselves in ‘Objects’, Los Angeles Times, F30, 12 November, 1993
Allman, Kevin. “A Valentine for LACMA Council” L.A.Times, 17 February, 1992
Barrie, Lita. “Falling in Place: Liz Young and Barbara Benish at Otis/Parsons Gallery”, Artweek, 12 March, 1992
Barrie, Lita. “On the Scene:Los Angeles” Artscene Magazine, May/June, 1992
Cihakova-Noshiro, Vlasta. “Snazim se Pracovat s Krasou-Barbara Benish”, Atelier (Prague), 5 June, 1992
Curtis, Cathy. “Other Side of Gulf War Spotlighted” L.A.Times, Calendar, Orange County edition. 4 May, 1992
Dubin, Zan. “‘World News‘Tells Other Story” L.A.Times, Calendar, Orange County edition. 24 April, 1992
Frank, Peter. “Pick of the Week: Liz Young and Barbara Benish”, L.A.Weekly, 6-12 March, 1992 Vol.14,No.14
Hough, Jessica. “Artists Bring Hell to Occidental”,The Occidental, Pasadena. 1992
Kosenko, Peter. “Mortification as Installation”, Visions Quarterly, Fall. 1992 p 39
Klienmann, Thomas. “Melancholie in Holz”, Nurnberger Zeiting, Nurnberg, 25 April, 1992
“Nurnberg” Durer’s Stiche im Materialmix”, Alendzeitiung, Nurnberg, 29 April, 1992
“Variationen uber Durer”, Nurnberger Nachrichten, 23 April, 1992
Kosenko, Peter. “Mortifiction as Installation:Liz Young and Barbara Benish” Visions Art Quarterly Fall edition, 1992. Los Angeles
Lidova Noviny, “Prasna Brana”, 12 April, 1992
Sinnock, Bonnie. “Cultures Meet at the Wall” L.A..Independent, Vol.59,Jan. 1992
Snow, Shauna. “Quirk Ethic in “Out-of-the-Blue”, L.A.Times, Calendar. 6 December. 1991
Lilligren, Ingrid. “Abeles, Lawrence, and Benish. Actively Artists” So. California Women’s Caucus for he Arts , Spring, 1992
Nilson, Lisbet. “New Eyes on News of the World” L.A. Times, 17 February, 1992
Skibell, Mark. “Art Goes to War” The Argonaut, (Venice, CA.) 26 February,1992
Webster, Dan. “Freedom of Expression” The Spokesman Review and Spokane Chronicle. 8 February, 1992
1990 Agalides, Sandra. “Esthetic Refinements”, Artweek, 2 August, 1992
Frank, Peter. “Pick of the Week”, L.A. Weekly, 20-26 July, 1992
Gabalova, Zdenka. “Dialog Praha/Los Angeles:podracovani” Atelier magazine (Prague),14.4.1992
Schipper, Merle. “Dialogue:Prague/L.A.” Visions, (Los Angeles) winter, 1992
Snow, Shauna. “Czech Art in L.A....Free at Last” L.A. Times, 6 May, 1990
Adamec, Jaromir. “Jeden Jediny svet” Atelier magazine (Prague) 19 September, 1989
Andreoli-Woods, Lynn. “L.A. Artist Who Put on Prague Show” The READER, (L.A.) 22 Dec., 1989
Curtis, Cathy. “The Galleries”, L.A.Times, 17 March, 1989
Levin, Kim. “Blank Czech”, The Vllage Voice (New York), 19 September, 1989
Mateju, Pavla. “Proc Ustrnuly?” mf (Prague), 20, volume 89, 1989
Muchnic, Suzanne. “Otis/Parsons to Host Show of Contemporary Art, L.A.Times, 14.12.1989
Rude Pravo (Prague), “Dialog:Praha/Los Angeles”, 7 August, 1989
Sax, Petr. “Posoruhocne Dialogy” mf (Prague), 4 August, 1989
Trestik, Michael. “Dialog (Praha-Los Angeles) a monolog (divaka) tvorba (Prague) #34,7, 1989
Vilhelm, Petr. “uzitecna vytvarna konfrontace” Rude Pravo. 22 August, 1989
Rourke, Mary. Los Angeles Times. (View), 6 December, 1985
Johnson, Carole and Kenna Love. “The L.A. Art Scene”, Nissan Magazine, June, 1984
Johansson, Stig. “Mannison in pa Livet”. Svenska Dagbladet, (Stockholm) 5 May, 1984
Olsson, Ewe. “Sokare med uttrycksaptit”,Ostgota Correspondenten,,Sweden,30.5.1984
Tukahama, Valerie. Long Beach Press Telegram, California. July, 1984
Sajbel, Maureen O. Women’s Wear Daily, (Los Angeles), 16 July, 1984
Česka Televize 1/Czech Television, Babylon, “Barbara Benish” directed by Petr Slavik. 12 February, 2021
•Česka Televize 1, Průvan, Občanský Žen, ArtDialog documentary. November, 2019
Český Rozhlas/Czech Radio 1, interview on “Mni Wiconi”exhibition. rozhovory/
“Voda je život - Pramen / Water is Life”, Galerijní Laboratoř, Prague, Czech Republic, 03.07.2017
česka Televize “Nedej se Občanské noviny Ochránci posvátné řeky”.(On Standing Rock protest.) 18.03.2018
Český Rozhlas/Czech Radio, interview on ‘Artist as Activist’ exhibition, Prague, April 30, 2015
Sunrise Hawai'i News Now, TV interview with Dan Clark, February 20, 2012
University of Hawai'i local TV broadcast, Maui, O'ahu, Lanai. Discussion with Education Theorist June Gorman on Rio+20, TEF and UN Safe Planet Campaign, February, 2012
“Hawai'i Public Radio”, interview on exhibition “Architecture of Plastic”, Safe Planet Campaign event, March 25-April 1, 2011
Pacific Network TV, “Art and the Ocean” at University of Hawai'i, Manoa, 2011
Mexican television interview, Cancun, December 3, 2010
Česky rozhlas. (Czech national radio) interview on "Sky Diaries", exhibition at University Gallery, Plzen, CZ. April, 2009
Česky rozhlas.(Czech national radio)interview on Galerie Califia exhibitions: "Hand-Werk", "From East to West", March, July, 2009
Česky rozhlas. (Czech national radio)interview on "Picasso is Female", Galerie Navratil, Prague, 2008
Česky rozhlas. (Czech national radio)interview on "SonicSense" at Galerie Califia, Horazd'ovice, C.R..
Cesky rozhlas. (Czech national radio) interview on Plzen Nadraži exhibition “It Depends on Bigness“, 2007
Radio Vltava, (Czech national radio) interview on "Bread and a Millstone" exhibit in Prague, 2006
Channel 2, Czech TV, jizny czech. "mari" exhibition at Jindrichuv Hradec, 2006
Česky Rozhlas (Czech national radio), radio interview with Jana Klusaková. 12 December, 2004
Ct 2, Czech Television. on "Jisté Stopy-Certain Traces" exhibition. By Tobiás Jirous. 13-15 December, 2004
KUSC radio, Los Angeles. on "Jisté Stopy-Certain Traces" exhibition. 20-24 September,2004
Česky Roshlas , interview on “The Bride in the Enclosed Garden”, Plzen, Czech Republic. November, 2003
Czech Radio, "Flower Power" interview on Vltava riverboat, June, 2000
Czech Radio,1 “Hádi Tanec”/Snake Dance, interview at Liben Synagogue/Praha, Czech Republic, 1997
Czech Television, “American Artists in Prague”, channel 2, November, 1996
Czech Television “Kulturny Dneska”, "Imagination of Pain" exhibition & Festival of the Old Testament, 1995
BBC, Site-ations exhibition, Program for the Arts, Cardiff, Wales. October, 1994
Swiss Television, Ventilation exhibition, Toit-du-Monde Gallery, Vevey, Switzerland. Monday, Aug.1, 1994
Radio PRAGUE, “Apokalypsa Exhibition: Barbara Benish & Adela Matasova” ,Galerie Klatovy-Klenova, 2 May, 1994
Czech Television News, “Galerie Mladych: Next Door Exhibition” interviews with the artists, 1 and 3 March, 1994
National Public Radio “Morning Edition”, Interviews with 3 American artists, 1992
Century Cable Television “Westside Report” by Leslie Conner. Interview with Kim Abeles and B. Benish on the World News exhibition. 6,7, & 8 March, 1991
Radio interview recorded in Prague on “Dialogue:Prague/Los Angeles” exchange exhibition, 1990
Cal Net News, Los Angeles, “Appreciating Art”, Interview on “Dialogue: Monoprints” 1990
Financial News Network, CNN. December, 1990
Interview , National Public Radio, USA. 1990
Radio PRAGUE, Interview on “Dialogue:Prague/Los Angeles”, August, 1989
KCRW, Los Angeles Public Radio: Interview by Larry Stein. November, 1989